Monday, December 10, 2012

Online Forex Trading Broker System

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 The online forex trading broker system exists to put some order into a huge currency exchange market. With so many currencies and with the Internet expanding the possibilities to connect the different markets in a faster way, being updated on currency fluctuations has become easier.
The online forex trading broker system can be quite a profitable venture. In view of this, the competition between brokers and investors is high, which can result in enrmous gains, should the market operations be done wisely.

We invite you to read a few articles on investment tactics as well as download our useful forex tools - all free, from software to charts and currency quotas - to take full advantage of the online forex trading broker system.
In the online forex trading broker system, what is being marketed is securities, which, to be done successfully, requires constant updates on the currency's opening and closing quotas. You need to know when the best time to buy or to sell has come.

Browse through our articles to learn the basics of the online forex trading broker system and download the free forex software. You can also start practicing your skills in currency trading using our mini-accounts.

We hope we have provided you with the tools for the best results in forex trading.

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Automated Forex: an essential tool for the modern-day trader.

  Automated Forex is an essential tool in the arsenal of the modern-day trader that provides significant opportunities. Automated Forex is a computer program, which is based on a variety of Forex trading signals that evaluate whether to buy or sell a currency pair at a point in time. This computer program largely advises the trader to make decisions that are based on a set of signals stemming from technical analysis charting tools. The signals then generate a buy/sell decision.

Why Automation?
Automated Forex trading enables trades to be implemented in real time from anywhere in the world, diminishing the losses that result from manual trading. Manual trading is negatively impacted by losses due to the timing delay involved in buying/selling of currency pairs in the volatile and fast-moving environment of currency exchange. 

Automated Forex trading enables traders to conduct hassle-free, round-the-clock trades, regardless of the time zones of the markets concerned. These new-generation automation techniques provide greater protection to the trader’s capital, they also save on time and energy. Entry/Exit trades may be executed faster when utilizing the Automated Forex technique, as compared to manual trading.

What to look for in Automation?
One should seek a next-generation automated Forex system that is available on the internet. Trading software that uses Fibonacci tools and other frequently used indicators such as RSI, MACD, Bollinger bands and oscillators, etc., usually give more reliable results. An automated Forex system should also apply principles of several progressive scientific theories, for example those based on the Chaos Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Wavelet Theory and Fractal Geometry. A good automated system is expected to provide the trader signals to profit from short-term as well as long-term currency movements. It should also enable one to set and then achieve realistic profit goals.

Forex robots, a popular Forex Automation trading tool, are aimed at eliminating the psychological element of trading, which may prove to be detrimental at times.

The Forex Application Program Interface program, which is another key automation tool in the world of Forex trading, enables its users to: receive a real-time Forex API rate feed, set and modify stop-loss, submit trade requests and undertake profit orders. 

For those involved in currency trading, Automated Forex day trading would certainly be a welcome addition in an already attractive investment vehicle..

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How to Set Up a Standard Type of a Forex Trading Account?

forex trading account - how to set up and use?

It is not a secret that a Forex trader provides all transactions with buying and selling currency pairs using online means, cooperation with Forex brokers and each of them also applies a Forex trading account: at first a demo account operating with virtual money to prepare for real time or live trading in the Forex market and then appealing to different types of FX trading accounts when supposing one is ready for risks dealing with losing or earning real money.
Below you will find a review of pros and cons of the most common type of a Forex trading account plenty of traders choose all over the world - the standard FX trading account. There are also not so popular but applied managed trading accounts, as well as mini and demo accounts for new Forex traders.

Explaining a standard Forex trading account

It stands for the most common and widely used trading account applied by Forex traders. It has such label because allows its owner to gain an access to standard lots of any currency every of which is worth about 100 thousands USD. Many beginners suppose that one needs to invest real 100 thousand dollars in order to start live trading at forex market. Those common rules of leverage and margin (usually 100 to 1 in Forex trading) denote that you need to put only one thousand of bucks down to this margin Forex trading account to get 1 standard lot necessary for such Forex trading. Ask any FX expert and he/she will prove this fact because most of traders work for years using advantages of this type of a FX trading account. However, only an experienced and full-time as well as successful and rich trader can expect to understand all nuances while using such account for FX trading.

Speaking about advantages of a standard trading account we should name the most obvious ones:

- servicing: due to the fact the standard Forex account needs an investment of the adequate initial capital from FX traders into trading process to get an access to full lots plenty of Forex brokers have to provide outstanding services and conduct improvements to draw attention of rich and private investors. You can expect to get the best service using the standard FX trading account.

- gaining potential:
each pip here is worth about ten dollars or higher and in a case positions moves according to your strategy and natural Forex fluctuations by one hundred pips during one day your gain can increase up to one thousand dollars. Any other type of a Forex trading account can't boast such potential when it concerns a possible gain.

However, even the sun has it spots and a standard Forex account is not an exception. The most common cons of its usage are:

- requirements for capital: as it was mentioned above the most important issue is to find an initial sum of money should be no less than one thousands of dollars while many brokers start their rates for a standard Forex account from tow or even thousands of USD. So prepare to invest such money and also be ready to lose them as well.

- losses potential is also high: you may win a lot or may lose it all. Only really experienced traders can expect to use a standard FX trading account and risk one thousand of real dollars expecting and forecasting that 100 pips won't move against them during one trading day.

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Forex Online Trading Systems: What A Newbie Should Know?

Since those days and till nowadays Forex online trading systems are in high demand especially the successful ones because if a trader uses one of them he/she can expect to earn money without leaving his/her own home.

Since that great times when the Internet became very available for all social layers the Forex exchange market has started to flourish because the constant income of money and new traders who began to try themselves as online FX traders. Since those days and till nowadays Forex online trading systems are in high demand especially the successful ones because if a trader uses one of them he/she can expect to earn money without leaving his/her own home. Such way of earning your money for living seems to be good to be true and that is why many beginners after few failures begin to say that there is no such thing as reliable Forex online trading systems and there are only scammers and predators in the Web who try to worm out your money. Let’s try to figure if this statement is true to life.

No one says that Forex online trading systems are all good and give a 100 percent guarantee that a trader will earn his money at once. You see, the Forex market is very changeable and it is rather risky to trade on it even if you have taken into account all possible factors that can impact on your trades and calculated the best trading strategy. The only advice here is to practice and practice as long as you can afford within the limits of a demo account which can show how tough and unexpected the live Forex trading can be. Having such experience you can start the live trading but only with very small amounts of money to lose.

You as a FX newbie should understand that all Forex online trading systems are based on experience and a proper Forex education. You are to figure out how does the largest financial marketplace work and use this knowledge to derive benefits from your trades more often than losing your money. You are to know how to choose the currency pairs and read the Forex charts in order to decide whether to buy or sell and when you need to open, hold or close your trading positions. Every reliable Forex trading school or a Forex online guideline or a manual which for sure will cost you money can teach how to make a right entry in the Forex exchange market. Never save your means on your Forex education because it will bring you more money in the foresight.
Well, we can tip how you can start. Always begin from setting up a demo trading account which every online brokerage organization can offer. A regulated broker is what you need to look for. It will be great if you manage to find a Forex broker with a reputation and registered in the Commodities Trading Commission. All Forex online trading systems require you using a demo account to understand what trading at the Forex means in general. Practice with fake money before starting to lose your own money (prepare to lose at first because it is very complicated for a newbie to provide any of the most successful Forex online trading systems).

Remember that the Forex market is open 24/5 which means you can literally trade all days and nights long without stops (in theory for sure). Appeal to different online communities and never ignore the recommendations provided by more experienced Forex traders who managed to earn a fortune at the Forex market. Be open and share your own experience as well.

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Forex Information Useful For Every Beginner

comissions, trading hours, spreads and other forex information aspects

The most common information and the initial knowledge along with understanding Forex trading can assist you a lot if you do your first steps in this direction. Surely, any article or issue even the most detailed one can’t give all necessary Forex information a beginner should know before starting a trade but the most basic data you can learn from reading the following article dealing mostly with explanation of terms and the Forex market scheme of work.
Any basic Forex information would not be full without explanation of what Forex means. Forex market or sometimes called as FX stands for a foreign exchange market (also known as “currency market”) where people – traders and brokers – are involved into buying and selling world currencies against each other. At the moment a lot of people join Forex market as traders due to great popularity and huge financial base and opportunities this market can offer even if comparing it with stock exchange markets. Besides approximate daily trade results which Forex and related markets show are really impressive –more than 3 trillion USD – which is over all results of all U.S stock markets. Due to the fact that trading at Forex market can be conducted all over the world by means of the Internet and other communication means like fax and phones Forex trading is also considered as one of the most convenient and easy to use ones comparing with stock markets.
If you want to start your Forex education in a correct way you need to learn to distinguish Forex market and stock market scemes of work because many newbies suppose by mistake that these two markets work basing practically on the same principles and using the similar tools and instruments. There are plenty of differences but only two of them denote the evident dissimilarity between these types of markets:

1) Difference in trading hours. The main advantage of Forex market is that it works 24/7 without breaks and day offs. Forex information and trading itself can be provided from three continents from a lot of big cites like Tokyo, London, New York, Zurich and many others which allows following and reacting in a proper way at various and fast fluctuations happening at Forex market. As for the stock markets – they open at Sunday night and close on Friday evening.

2) Commissions can be different. Online electronic Forex trading and high competition created circumstances making possible reducing in bit-off spreads (equals to stock commissions). Such spreads cover all those risks which are inevitable when one deals with the market makers. Many people find Forex spreads rather low but any spread can rise if the currency liquidity drops due to some reasons. Besides such Forex commissions considered as the lowest ones according to trade sizes comparing with stock markets in spite of the fact that lately FX commissions have been reduced. In the most Forex trading houses leverage is offered as 100 to 1 (for example a trader who can suggest a deposit fund of 10 000 USD can leverage this sum up to 1 million USD). Such situation involves interference of speculators who can narrow a pip spread but government and the hugest banks impact on prices and commissions as well so the chances are equal. Besides never heed that stock markets offer all participants involved into trading an equal level of an access and practically the same prices while the Forex market suggests few totally various levels of an access where commissions and spreads differ from every next level. The hugest investing banks involved into Forex trading can offer the lowest spreads.

Why spreads are so important in Forex trading?
Any initial Forex information presupposes explanation of spreads functions and meaning. To explain what is a spread we need to appeal to such terms as the BID price and the ASK/OFFER price. The BID price means the price at which a trader can easily sell one unit of any base currency offered at the Forex market (or buying one of secondary currencies) and the ASK/OFFER price stands for the price used by a trader for buying a unit of one of base currencies. The following example explains this in practice – if the exchange rate of the currency pair EUR/USD equals to 1.3473/1.2476 it denotes that a trader should pay 1.2476 USD to buy one Euro (which is obviously a base currency) and if a trader sells one Euro he will get 1.3473 USD. You see, it is not so hard to figure out. As you have noticed the BID price was lower than the ASK/OFFER price and that tiny difference between these two prices is called a spread which is measured in “pips” (1.2476 - 1.3473 = 3 pips) and in such way denotes the possible profit and the dealing room used in the Forex trading houses.

And the last piece of Forex information we want to discover deals with retail Forex trading. The mentioned before market makers or also known as retail Forex brokers work representing retail customers and capture one of the smallest niches of the Forex market. Due to the dry statistics data – retail Forex broker is responsible for estimation of the total volume of retail trading which equals up to 50 billion per day (around two percent from the total value of the whole Forex market). However this segment shows a tendency to grow lately because of appearing high quality Forex trading platforms and individual traders using these platforms.

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The Main Advantages of Forex Trading

counting some forex trading advantages

 Many Forex traders can enumerate at least ten different reasons why they prefer to use options and opportunities only the foreign exchange currency market can offer them. You see Forex trading nowadays is the most widespread mean to earn money online in a legal and quite easy way if one knows, for sure, background and nuances dealing with this peculiar type of online trading. Unlike futures or stocks economical markets Forex trading allows absolutely everyone who is ready to learn and be patient enough as well as a risky one in a healthy way to gain profits and real money by selling and buying the currency pairs.

However, all these advantages of Forex trading may offer are still not so clear for Forex newbies and they prefer to refuse from any efforts because they are afraid to lose all their money. Partially such risk always presents but the cons of Forex trading are less than pros and you as a FX beginner and prospective participant can persuade in it by reading about the most beneficial advantages Forex market can only propose.

1) The most obvious Forex trading advantage can boast is lower margin which means a trader can control a huge amount of the currency practically putting up only a small amount of the margin like with futures and stocks speculative processes. Nevertheless, Forex trading presupposes such margin requirements as one percent of the complete value of the holding (comparing with futures such requirements are about five percents). For instance, there is a margin which is required for trading foreign currency exchange and it equals one thousand dollars for every 100 thousands USD and this denotes that a Forex trader can trade with money which is five times more comparing with futures trader's money. In such way one can create a very profitable investing strategy in spite of all the risks which exist in the FX market. Only complete image of how a FX margin trading account works can help you to reduce these risks to minimum.

Monitoring of a margin balance regularly and utilization of stop-loss orders on each open by a trader position will assist in limiting downside risks and prevent from missing margin calls which not usually happen before liquidation of the chosen by a Forex trader positions. Understanding of all these nuances and consulting with experienced brokers and traders can help a newbie to orientate in this complicated, risky but still very profitable trading.

  2) Forex trading requires no commissions and exchange fees and again unlikely trading in futures where one needs to pay a certain fee for exchange and brokerage services provides these services totally for free. You see, FX trading is rendered at the international financial market so no wonder that fee is not required but as the con the spread a broker asks for is obviously higher than in futures' trading.

3) Despite the common delusion risks which exist at the FX trading market are easy to limit and even reduce if a trader chooses the right policy and strategy. In addition it should be mentioned that stops are much easier to control as well that is why newbies will have all chances to stay in the benefits even doing their first steps as Forex investors, brokers and traders.

Among other advantages of FX trading many participants call availability of the FX market open 24 hours five days a week which makes it a great advantage comparing with other financial markets and also huge trading resources and opportunities this largest financial market in the world with a daily turnover with more than three trillions USD.

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FX Strategy Insights

we take a look at one of the world’s most recognised FX traders.

John Taylor is the CEO and Chairman of a hedge fund firm called FX Concepts which he founded in 1981. FX Concepts manages currencies and FX exposures for institutional clients through both overlay and absolute return strategies. Their website states that they “employ a unique methodology integrating the study of cycles, quantitative model-building, and technical forecasting.”

FX Concepts runs the world’s largest Currency Hedge Fund and is certainly one of the “smart money” investors to keep an eye on. All up Taylor’s firm manages over US$4.5 billion in FX funds.

BusinessWeek reported last week that the FX Concepts has recently exited all its bets on commodity based currencies based on the view that these currencies will fail to appreciate as slowing Asian growth dampens metal prices. The “China growth story” has been a concern of ours for quite some time and regular FX Strategy readers will be familiar with our thinking and strategy on this topic. So seeing the “smart money” heading for the exits should be a wake up call for any remaining China bulls.

On a more positive note, Taylor is bullish on the USD and the US economy. With improving US growth and consumer spending Taylor thinks currencies that will benefit from America’s improving fortunes could do well – he highlighted the CAD and MXN as particularly leveraged to this scenario.

As mentioned in the opening paragraph, FX Concepts employs technical forecasting in their strategy. One example of this in action can best be explained by this recent quote from Taylor: “The Yen is an interesting side-line. It will be hurt by a slowing China, but so much of the Yen is based on the flows in and out of the country for investment reasons. Over the last 7 to 10 years, the Yen is often weak in the month of March and then in the Month of April it starts to strengthen.”

This is a very interesting pattern that Taylor has identified and for FX Strategists it’s certainly worth further investigation.

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